How I Meditated 365x for a Year Apr 14, 2023

My mom has practiced daily meditation and breathwork for as long as I can remember. Growing up, we always had a dedicated meditation room. I never had the patience for meditation and believed it...

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Rest, Retreat, and Recharge: The Seven Types of Rest and the Importance of Retreats to Recharge Mar 14, 2023

Do you feel chronically drained and depleted? Even after a weekend of catching up on sleep, you wake up on Monday morning already exhausted for the week ahead?

It's a common mistake to...

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Breaking Up with Busy Jul 09, 2022

For most of my life, “time” has not been my friend. I’ve battled with time in pretty much every way possible. I was always chronically late, rushing, hustling, overbooked, or...

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Five Strategies to Prevent Burnout May 01, 2022

Have you ever found yourself lacking the energy to do activities you once enjoyed, snapping at loved ones, or feeling a flood of dread when your alarm goes off on a workday? You may be experiencing...

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Start Your Wellness Journey Here: Optimize the Basics Mar 31, 2022

Start your wellness journey now by optimizing basic health behaviors: master the way you sleep, eat, move, & breathe.

We need to master the foundations of our well-being so that we will have...

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How to Worry Less Jan 31, 2022

“Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace.” ― Randy Armstrong

Sometimes I get caught in a downward spiral of worry, especially when...

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Year-End Reflections & New-Year Planning Jan 01, 2022

In dental school, we learned how to do a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). As dentists, we’re so focused on doing this at a professional level, but forget to...

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The Gift of Experiences Nov 30, 2021

In 2020, I completed a course taught by Dr. Laurie Santos, a professor of psychology at Yale University, based on the science of wellbeing. The course was originally created for her students at...

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Stop Bragging About How Busy You Are Oct 31, 2021

In ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’ @brenebrown says, “If we want to live a Wholehearted life, we have to become intentional about cultivating sleep and play, and about...

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I buy online programs just like you! Oct 01, 2021

Shocker, I know. It's no secret that virtual coaching programs, online courses, and virtual retreats have exploded in the last few years, and I love learning from them just as much as you might. I...

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Why join a wellness program created by a dentist? Sep 01, 2021

I always joke that befriending another dentist is like starting on the 5th date. There is an intimacy we share as dentists, a mutual understanding of the struggles and triumphs of dentistry.


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How to Be Happy: The Science of Well-being Part 3 Aug 01, 2021

Welcome to the third part in this series focused on happiness and habits. In the first two parts (link here), we discussed the science of how to be happier, the misconceptions about happiness, the...

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How to Be Happy: The Science of Well-being Part 2 Jul 01, 2021

Welcome back to the second part of our discussion on happiness! In the last post, I shared some of the work of Dr. Laurie Santos, a professor of psychology at Yale University, who teaches on the...

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How to Be Happy: The Science of Well-being Part 1 Jun 01, 2021

As dentists, our practices are driven by evidence-based science. What if there is an evidence-based way to be happier? Dr. Laurie Santos, a professor of psychology at Yale University, has developed...

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